A Look on the Feasibility of FX Commodity Trading
Johanes L. Sitanggang, Profit Sharing Contractual Basis Private Investment Manager
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Based on the architect of global monetary system, my research indicates that short/selling and long/buying FX commodities on carry trading currency pairs and unwinding currency pairs are the most feasible to trade than major currency pairs. The asset disposal and off-taking (carrying versus unwinding) undertaken by carry traders matching the global price stability expected by the global central banks.
Two major carry traders, JPY and CHF are exchanged their position as "off-taker" and "disposer" in the market for the same currencies with primary target NZD, AUD, CAD, GBP, USD, EUR, as well as KRW, HKD, SGD, ILS, NOK, SEK, DKK, HUF, MXN, ZAR of all currencies settled by CLS Bank (www.cls-group.com). The asset disposal and off-taking are both for profit for the two carriers.
By the time JPY at asset disposal market environment (unwinding) the CHF at asset off-taking market environment (carrying) and JPY to be strengthened against those currencies and at the same time CHF to be weakened against those currencies. By opposite, at the time CHF at asset disposal then the JPY at asset off-taking. Their assets disposal and off-taking managed interior their price stability bands of which JPY aligns and re-align and continuously alignment to downward and CHF aligns and realign and continuously realign to upward at managed sustainability of their target zone meeting the global central banks' price stability expectation.
Major currency pairs tend to be the follower by following JPY occasionally and CHF occasionally and lesser consistent for speculation. Global rumors, news, commentaries and the likes are dominated by major currency pairs and carry trading and unwinding currency pairs consistently to make profit in the market.
Accordingly, the movement of the $ 750.00 trillion derivative market tackled by Traiana Inc (www.traiana.com) and the TriOptima (www.trioptima.com) seems to be what shall be traded for profit. Trade for profit not for speculation.