CTAs – How do they do it? 3rd annual survey (2016)
Tillmann Sachs, PhD, CIO and Head of Research, J8 Capital Management LLP
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Take the survey: http://www.mysurvey.tw/s/j6X7zc5b
This is the 3rd annual survey to establish the most popular markets and trading techniques used by the CTA and managed futures industry.
This study is being supervised by: Dr. Robert Tiong, Associate Professor in School of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (CLKTIONG@ntu.edu.sg).
This study is conducted in collaboration with: J8 Capital Management LLP, London, UK
What if I have questions? Before you decide whether to accept this invitation to participate in the research study, please ask any questions that might come to mind now. Later, if you have any questions about the study, you can contact the researcher (CHEN Hui Yu: chenhy@ntu.edu.sg).
We have published our previous findings in international journals and magazines. This year’s survey is to reaffirm the previous years’ findings and possibly discover new trends in the industry.
The survey requires 5 to 10 minutes of your time. All individual survey responses will be kept confidential and will not be shared with any 3rd party or J8 Capital Management LLP though the survey is conducted in collaboration with J8. We will publish anonymised and aggregated results only. You may chose, however, that your company's name will be mentioned in the general acknowledgements as survey participant.
We published past finding in following journals and magazines:
· Sachs, T., Tiong R. "A liquid and investible benchmark index for the CTA and managed futures industry". Journal of Index Investing, Institutional Investor Journals, Spring 2016, Vol. 6, No. 4: pp. 30-70.
· Sachs, T., Chen, H., Tiong, R. "Common denominators: portfolio construction, fees. Building an index for the CTA industry". The Hedge Fund Journal, January 2015, Issue 101, pp. 54-57.
· Chen, H., Sachs, T., Tiong R. "Common Denominators in the Commodity Trading Advisor and Managed Futures Industry". Journal of Index Investing,