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Advise on products for automated trading (ninja, trade station, etc)


 Sergey Zabelin, Vice President at J.P. Morgan

 Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hello I have a couple of private investors who are going to use my help in writing trading strategies for them. I would appreciate advise on the best platform for this. I've used TradeStation in the past, but I am not too happy with the fact that it uses EasyLanguage. I've programmed automated trading strategies for various companies using C++/Java/.NET and would prefer to use one of these languages if possible. Since co-location is out of the question (I presume) the choice of language is not important. Looking at NinjaTrader potentially being top choice atm. Thanks.


5 comments on article "Advise on products for automated trading (ninja, trade station, etc)"


 Scott Boulette, Algorithmic Trading

 Friday, May 17, 2013

@Sergey, my comment was addressed to you but should have been just a general comment.

I agree, true HFT is not possible on a retail platform although with the right design and JVM you can get almost the same performance out of Java as you can with C++ (not counting rock star C++ programmers).


 Brian Nichols, Currency and commodities futures trading

 Friday, May 17, 2013

I don't think you can go wrong with either MC.Net or NT for retail autotrading/development in C#, although both have their idiosyncrasies.

In my opinion MC gives the impression of being more mature and in my experience MC might be somewhat more stable, but suspect stability may be a function of the kind of abuse they are subjected to. NT stability greatly improved with version 7.0 and version 8 is in the works so more improvements can be expected at some point.

If you intend to build DLLs to interface with NT as far as I know as of revision 7.0.1000.13 NT doesn't yet support anything more recent than .Net 3.5. MC's integration with Visual Studio may be better depending on what features you're looking for.

Both genetic and exhaustive back/walkforward testing work well enough in both, but as might be expected both applications have their limitations, mainly in the way intrabar events are handled. Moreover the same strategy run on the same data on both platforms will in general show somewhat different outcomes.


 Daniel Boutrin, Fixed Income and Credit Quantitative & Qualitative Research at Banque de France

 Friday, May 17, 2013

Sergey : You shouldn't bother with all those technical question , the time you finish your strategy and run is a more matter than the best techno. Take the most easy one for you, well documented, ( panic support) so your investissor won't grow impatient.

You will have plenty time to dig into high performances once you start to make it run. Plus, the proto , will be the regression platform and backup proxy.

Cash-in should always be your priority, as you could see, you will find millions of people claiming stuff about techno and yet fail at winning cents.

I will just tell you, you can use Exel or Matlab for almost all startup algo, it works perfectly fine and without huge effort can sustain easily 100 orders/s without problems. To turn Excel into HFT and desactive the ellapse delay, you will need to do something in the registry.

Before to outmatch excel/matlab you will already have enought cashflow to talk about real performances and speed. Then C++ or ADA will come naturally for each part you want to accelerate.


 Giacomo Berta, Quantitative Portfolio Manager - Head of Quantitative Research at Rialto Capital AG

 Sunday, June 2, 2013

Regarding Multicharts or Multicharts.Net, is it possible to have strategies run without having a chart open? Like with NinjaTrader if I am not wrong...


 Rafi H., Asscociate Director, Actuarial Consulting at OptumInsight

 Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Is this forum familiar with

What is your opinion of this platform. From what I've seen it is fast and can handle a lot of instruments at one time.

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