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Algorithmic trading strategy


 August Voegeli, Founder at ARV Trading Solutions

 Thursday, November 20, 2014

Hello, I have been working on a strategy for 4 years. I am finishing up my first 90 day proof of concept in the markets. I am looking for investors and individuals with skill sets that will compliment my own with regards to getting this project running at full capacity and forming a company. If you have interest in discussing some details and possibly joining the team please contact me. I look forward to meeting your acquaintance. Kind regards, August


7 comments on article "Algorithmic trading strategy"


 Bharath Rao, Entrepreneur

 Friday, November 21, 2014

Where are you based August? We may be able to collaborate.


 Paul Buzby, IT Executive

 Friday, November 21, 2014

Hi August

I'm interested so fill me in pls. Where r u based??

Cheers. Paul


 Joe C., Finance Director at Cuffz Holdings

 Friday, November 21, 2014

Can send me more info?


 Richard Mukurumbira, Head of Risk and Trading at First Prudential Markets

 Saturday, November 22, 2014

Interesting, please provide more details


 Jim Holley, Chief Trader at Bankers Trust Hong Kong & designer of private trading platforms (PPP)

 Sunday, November 23, 2014

I design and manage real trading platforms, which operate within your own trading, and provide a realistic return. No passports, no pof none of that broker joker compliance rubbish. Depending upon currency, we return between 50% and 100% per year............real returns, not 500% per day as advertised all over the net. No IMF, no top tier, no Fed approved rubbish, just real platforms.

We also have a special platform for INR which provides a 50% return on deposits of INR in India.

Anyone directly interested can contact me in the first instance.

Positions Vacant - Participant regional co-ordinator.

To apply you must have a client base who wants to participate in a performing Private Trading Platform. Our trading platforms are conservative, cash backed and only operated in the client’s own account. Our Centrum offers 100% per annum, however to match our conservative approach, we will be closing this at the end of the year. The Traditional Accumulator returns 75% per annum and the Conserv platform provides 50% per annum. We can work in most trading accounts

We are making appointments for regional co-ordinators who are expected to introduce clients, manage their accounts and liaise with them. For this you are paid a generous performance commission. This commission is equivalent to 10% of what your client earn, so if you have 5m of clients, you will earn approximately $41k per month.

To qualify, you must have some clients available (250k min), must be willing to communicate to a timetable and preferably have some trading or investment advising experience.

If this appeals to you, contact me on


 Hindemburg Melao Jr, Developer of Automated Trading Systems

 Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Can you post any serious proof about your declaration? For example: login and read only password to access a real account with at least 4 years with average profit 70% per year and maximum drawdown razonable (no more than 35%)?


 Sourabh Shikhare, Director Business Development at Blackhat Capital

 Wednesday, December 17, 2014


We can help you to code your strategies and also provide you capital for platform.

Let me know whats best way to contact you


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